Karen CarneyArtistEducation: Karen has a master’s degree in the school of education. Most of her supplemental education has been in the healing arts. She has a masters degree in the school of Education. Currently, she holds an Assistant Special Education PARA position in an elementary school in Wichita, Kansas. So beautiful. Most of her supplemental education has been in the healing arts. Areas of interest: One of her favorite's is making angels and spiritual beings from her collection of natural stones and scrap metal. She is affiliated with Wichita Women Artists, Wichita Gem and Mineral Society.
Karen's angels have shown or are showing at Fiber Art Studio, In the Woods, Gallery XII, Emporia Art Center gift shop, Karg Art Glass, Mead Street Gallery, Mark Arts, Coutts Museum, Newton Carriage Art Factory, Worlds Window (KC), Larksfield Place, Presbyterian Manor, Final Fridays, Silent Auctions and Private Shows.
Some of Karen's inspiration comes from nature, the stones themselves, historical religious art, RC Gormam, Linda Levell and others..
Karen's relationship with stones is very personal . Each stone has their own spirit, their own story to tell. She loves their beauty, their individuality and restorative properties, their company
"The most beautiful stones have been tossed by the wind and washed by the water and polished to brilliance
by life's strongest storms." - unkown
Karen's relationship with stones is very personal . Each stone has their own spirit, their own story to tell. She loves their beauty, their individuality and restorative properties, their company
"The most beautiful stones have been tossed by the wind and washed by the water and polished to brilliance
by life's strongest storms." - unkown
Frequently Asked Questions
Why rocks?
- It's a place I go to feel calmed. I feel at home with rocks. Being outside, smelling the damp earth, being amazed at the specific beauty of each and every signature of nature. It was something innate, like being an animal lover, it is just there.
Where do you get the rocks?
- The rocks and stones I use com from: hiking adventures. Some have been brought home from Egypt, India, Colorado, Mexico, New Mexico, Utah and from Gem and Mineral Shows in Denver, Kansas City and Albuquerque.
How do you put the angels together?
- Any way I can. The biggest challenge is that every stone is different and so, each calls for it's own recipe for construction. I use, bonding materials of all kinds, some for strength and some for flexibility. I use gravity, leverage, and layers. I mostly use the natural shape of the stone, but I also use cut stones. At times I drill, polish, shape, break and solder. ... Really a combination of whatever works. Layers and layers. Still such a perfect challenge, to keep the process fresh.
- It's a place I go to feel calmed. I feel at home with rocks. Being outside, smelling the damp earth, being amazed at the specific beauty of each and every signature of nature. It was something innate, like being an animal lover, it is just there.
Where do you get the rocks?
- The rocks and stones I use com from: hiking adventures. Some have been brought home from Egypt, India, Colorado, Mexico, New Mexico, Utah and from Gem and Mineral Shows in Denver, Kansas City and Albuquerque.
How do you put the angels together?
- Any way I can. The biggest challenge is that every stone is different and so, each calls for it's own recipe for construction. I use, bonding materials of all kinds, some for strength and some for flexibility. I use gravity, leverage, and layers. I mostly use the natural shape of the stone, but I also use cut stones. At times I drill, polish, shape, break and solder. ... Really a combination of whatever works. Layers and layers. Still such a perfect challenge, to keep the process fresh.